Hands-on Exercise 5

In this hands-on experience, I will learn how to use spNetwork package to derive network constrained kernel density estimation (NetKDE), and perform network G-function and k-function analysis.

Nor Aisyah https://www.linkedin.com/in/nor-aisyah/

1. Background Information

In this hands-on experience, I will learn more about the functions of spNetwork package:

2. Dataset used

3. Install and load R packages

packages = c('sp', 'rgdal', 'spNetwork', 'tmap')
for (p in packages){
if(!require(p, character.only = T)){
library(p,character.only = T)

More on the packages used:

4. Import data

network <- readOGR(dsn="data/geospatial", layer="Punggol_St", verbose = FALSE)
childcare <- readOGR(dsn="data/geospatial", layer="Punggol_CC", verbose = FALSE)

5. Print content of SpatialLineDataFrame & SpatialPointsDataFrame by using str function


From the above results, we can see that the Projected CRS is SVY21. Hence, we can assign the EPSG code using the following code chunk:

6. Assign CRS to OGR data

network <- spTransform(network,CRS("+init=epsg:3414"))
childcare <-spTransform(childcare, CRS("+init=epsg:3414"))

7. Visualising the Geospatial Data

7.1 Visualise using Base R

plot(childcare,add=T,col='red',pch = 19)

7.2 Visalise using mapping function of tmap package

  tm_dots() +

8. Network Constrained KDE (NetKDE) Analysis using spNetwork package

8.1 Prepare the lixels objects using lixelize_lines of spNetwork

Note: There is another function called lixelize_lines.mc() which provides multicore support.

lixels <- lixelize_lines(network,700,mindist = 350)
class       : SpatialLinesDataFrame 
features    : 2645 
extent      : 34038.56, 38882.85, 40941.11, 44801.27  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
crs         : +proj=tmerc +lat_0=1.36666666666667 +lon_0=103.833333333333 +k=1 +x_0=28001.642 +y_0=38744.572 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs 
variables   : 2
names       : oid.LINK_ID,   oid.ST_NAME 
min values  :  1032897752, EDGEDALE PLNS 
max values  :   998635154,      TRACK 24 

Other important notes:

8.2 Generate line centre points using lines_center() of spNetwork

samples <- lines_center(lixels)
class       : SpatialPointsDataFrame 
features    : 2645 
extent      : 34041.34, 38840.31, 41109.22, 44795.36  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
crs         : +proj=tmerc +lat_0=1.36666666666667 +lon_0=103.833333333333 +k=1 +x_0=28001.642 +y_0=38744.572 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs 
variables   : 3
names       : oid.LINK_ID,   oid.ST_NAME,  Ind 
min values  :  1032897752, EDGEDALE PLNS,    1 
max values  :   998635154,      TRACK 24, 2645 

8.3 Performing NetKDE

densities <- nkde(network, 
                  events = childcare,
                  w = rep(1,nrow(childcare)),
                  samples = samples,
                  kernel_name = "quartic",
                  bw = 300, 
                  div= "bw", 
                  method = "simple", 
                  digits = 1, 
                  tol = 1,
                  grid_shape = c(1,1), 
                  max_depth = 8,
                  agg = 5, #we aggregate events within a 5m radius (faster calculation)
                  sparse = TRUE,
                  verbose = FALSE)

More on the arguments:

8.4 Visualising NetKDE

8.4.1 Insert computed density values into samples & lixels objects

samples$density <- densities
lixels$density <- densities

8.4.2 Rescale density values

# rescaling to help the mapping
samples$density <- samples$density*1000
lixels$density <- lixels$density*1000

8.4.3 Plot map after rescaling


What can we see from map above:

9. Network Constrained G- and K-Function Analysis

kfun_childcare <- kfunctions(network, 
                             start = 0, 
                             end = 1000, 
                             step = 50, 
                             width = 50, 
                             nsim = 50, 
                             resolution = 50,
                             verbose = FALSE, 
                             conf_int = 0.05)

The output of kfunctions() is a list with the following values:

Just for my understanding:

9.1 kfunctions g-function


9.2 kfunctions values

         obs_k     lower_k    upper_k      obs_g    lower_g   upper_g
1      0.00000     0.00000     0.0000    0.00000    0.00000  200.7234
2      0.00000     0.00000   417.7217   72.33276   16.27487  417.7217
3     72.33276    72.33276   707.0527    0.00000   72.33276  506.3293
4     72.33276   216.99828  1213.3820   72.33276   32.54974  690.7779
5    361.66380   522.60419  1614.8288  289.33104   72.33276  707.0527
6    650.99483   884.26798  2226.0407  216.99828  160.94039  980.1089
7    795.66035  1301.98967  3173.5998  289.33104  216.99828 1141.0493
8   1229.65691  1712.47807  4018.0848  578.66207  305.60591 1213.3820
9   2097.65002  2169.98278  5119.3510 1084.99139  305.60591 1430.3803
10  3182.64140  2837.25248  6188.0675 1084.99139  377.93867 1446.6552
11  4195.30003  3464.73917  7658.2309  650.99483  522.60419 1864.3769
12  4773.96211  4164.55861  9434.0001 1301.98967  594.93694 2282.0986
13  6654.61385  5168.17564 11627.4910 2097.65002  795.66035 2009.0424
14  8390.60007  6108.50151 13365.2856 1663.65346  940.32587 2482.8220
15 10054.25353  7482.82394 15723.3335 1591.32070  916.81772 2788.4279
16 12079.57079  8535.26559 17797.4754 1808.31898 1012.65863 2660.0372
17 14032.55528  9974.68749 19582.2862 2097.65002 1084.99139 2716.0951
18 16202.53806 11300.18531 22057.8749 2603.97933  956.60074 3166.3665
19 18661.85187 12547.92540 24676.3208 2459.31381 1374.32242 2989.1513
20 21338.16396 14386.98581 27249.5587 2676.31209 1334.53941 2965.6431
21 24014.47605 15786.62470 29218.8181 2712.47847 1021.70022 3238.6993
1          0
2         50
3        100
4        150
5        200
6        250
7        300
8        350
9        400
10       450
11       500
12       550
13       600
14       650
15       700
16       750
17       800
18       850
19       900
20       950
21      1000

Other notes about the arguments used:

10. Visualise ggplot2 object of k-function


From the plot above: